Shenzhen Wahng Sahn Technology Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Wahng Sahn Technology Co.,Ltd.

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Compare with Thermal silicone pad and thermal grease

1. The coefficient of thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal conductivity of silicone grease is higher than the thermal conductive silicone, respectively is 4.0 to 5.5 w/m.k and 1.75 2.75 w/m.k.

2. Insulation, thermal conductivity silicone grease for adding the metal powder insulation, thermal conductivity silicone pieces of insulation performance is good, 1 mm thickness of electrical insulation index above 3000 volts.

3. Shape: thermal conductivity silicone grease for condensate paste, thermal conductive silicone piece of sheet.

4. Use: thermal conductivity silicone grease to daub evenly attentively, easy dirt around devices and cause a short-circuit: thermal conductivity silica gel can be arbitrary cutting, tore to protective film directly to stick with, tolerance is very small, clean.

5. Thickness: as fill gap thermal conductive materials and thermal conductive silicone restrictive, thermal conductive silicone slice thickness ranging from 0.3 to 16 mm, has a wide application range.

6. Effects of thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity silicone grease particles is bigger, easy to aging, thermal effect: the thermal conductive silicone piece because of the soft and elastic, can greatly increase the heat conduction between the heating element and heat sink area, the processing technology, sophisticated products, stable performance.

7. Price: the thermal conductive silicone has been used widely, the price is low, thermal conductivity silicone pieces used in LED lighting, power supply, routers, switches, thin small precision electronic products such as notebook computer, the price is a little higher.

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